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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

So you don't have to buy salsa at the grocery store?

Don't worry friends, I have not given up on my attempts to cook. However, due to the holidays and all the festivities that come along with it, we have taken a short break from our homemade meals. When I say "we" - I mean me (Jenny). haha.

I really wanted to make a nice meal for my good friend Mahua who is in town for the holidays. However, due to the heavy Southern California rainstorms and a 2 1/2 hour commute home one night. My dear hubby, ended up making dinner for the three of us on his own. Thanks Neil!

So, what dish did he whip up ... chicken enchiladas with homemade tamatillo salsa. Hence the title of this entry - Who knew how simple it would be to make your own enchilada sauce. And thanks to our good friend Eric, we now have the ninja blender. That bad boy really works!

Below are a few snap shots of this simple yet easy dish. Note: blog will be updated with Neil's recipe shortly.

Happy Holidays everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Jenny and Neil, we love your blog! - mom and dad
