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Friday, December 31, 2010

What's a leek?

I did it! I made a meal all by myself.

Over the last few months we have received thoughtful housewarming gifts. However, the trend seems to be cookbooks. Haha. Another clear sign that I should learn how to cook. So, I finally decided to open one of them - The Williams Sonoma - Bride & Groom Cookbook (thanks, Lauren).

Since my last fiasco on "how to chop an onion," I decided to start with something simple, but I still wanted to hone my veggie-chopping skills. Hence, potato and leek soup. Looks simple, but challenging enough for a gal who can barely peel an apple.

So here are a few highlights of my soup-making afternoon:
- Realize that I don't know what a leek looks like, so I had to ask the produce boy for help.
- Who knew there were so many potatoes at a grocery store? This store had five types to choose from!
- Laid out my ingredients on the kitchen counter, only to realize (when Neil pointed out to me) that I purchased only one leek with with five leaves, not realizing that I needed five leeks like the recipe asked for.
- Discovered a new technique for chopping with the back end of the blade (Thanks Neil!)
- Creme fraiche can be substituted with sour cream.
- Leeks are part of the onion family (I discovered this while I was chopping them, when my eyes started to water).
- I also learned how to peel and crush garlic, without a garlic press. Lay knife flat on a clove and smash, remove the peel, and then mince - be careful not to slice yourself with the blade!

I probably had a few more "aha" moments, but the main point is that I did it! I made my first meal, all by myself, and it was a yummy meal for a So-Cal winter's night, at that! :)

I think next time I am ready to move on to poultry, meat, or fish. What do you think? Until next year... happy New Year everyone!

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